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Registry of University Student Associations recognised by the University of Genoa

Associations formed by students who carry out activities in line with the University's institutional aims and pertaining to the fields of culture, cultural and social exchanges, sport, leisure, free services for students, may apply for recognition by the University of Genoa in accordance with the procedures set out in the Regulation for registration in the Register of Student Associations. 

Access the Register


Below you can find all the initiatives organised by university student associations recognised by the University of Genoa:



Chairman: Dr. Ing. BELEGNI Alessandro
Telephone contact: 3207134178
Web space:
Email contact: collettivo.unigeco@gmail.comWould you like to join Unigeco?
Unigeco is a university association that promotes environmental sustainability in Unige and the local area.
We are girls and boys from all faculties who cooperate with each other and with external bodies to achieve common goals.
Subscribing to Unigeco is:
carries no obligation;
allows you to meet new people;
allows you to increase your knowledge and skills (and build up your CV).
Would you like to know more?
Click here


Chairperson: Ms Laigueglia Chiara
Telephone contact: 3476706677
Web space:
Email contact:

 Dominant Thinking
President: Dr DI ANTONIO Federica
Telephone contact: 3487695167
Web space:
Email contact: University Left - Genoa
Chairman: Mr. FIORENZA Gianluca
Telephone contact: 3483689111
Web space:
Email contact: 
Chairman: Dr. Ing. BELEGNI Alessandro
Telephone contact: 3207134178
Web space:
Email contact: collettivo.unigeco@gmail.comWould you like to join Unigeco?
Unigeco is a university association that promotes environmental sustainability in Unige and the local area.
We are girls and boys from all faculties who cooperate with each other and with external bodies to achieve common goals.
Subscribing to Unigeco is:
carries no obligation;
allows you to meet new people;
allows you to increase your knowledge and skills (and build up your CV).
Would you like to know more?
Click here


Chairperson: Ms Laigueglia Chiara
Telephone contact: 3476706677
Web space:
Email contact:

 Dominant Thinking
President: Dr DI ANTONIO Federica
Telephone contact: 3487695167
Web space:
Email contact: University Left - Genoa
Chairman: Mr. FIORENZA Gianluca
Telephone contact: 3483689111
Web space:
Email contact: 

Who can register

Registration in the Register is reserved for Associations meeting the following requirements:

  • they must be composed of no less than 30 ordinary members, consisting of university students who are regularly enrolled, in the academic year in which they apply, at the University of Genoa:
    • no later than the first year after the end of the normal duration of the course, if enrolment is on a first-level degree course (three-year degree) or second-level degree course (two-year specialist/master's degree)
    • no later than the second year after the end of the normal duration of the course, if the enrolment is to a single-cycle degree course (five-year or six-year degree)
    • specialisation Schools and Research Doctorates
  • must be formally established with constitutive act and statute conforming to the models indicated by the University, available on the Student Portal.

For further information please refer to art. 2 of the Regulations.


How to register

The application for recognition and enrolment in the Register may be submitted at any time of the year using the form accessible from the Student Portal (see art. 3 Regulations).

The application must be submitted, together with the enclosures, torea Didattica - Settore contribuzione studentesca e benefici, P.zza della Nunziata, 6 - 16124 Genova, in the original and electronically in pdf format to the email address

General aspects of recognition

Recognition of the Association and registration in the Register, ordered by rectorial decree, on the opinion of a Commission set up pursuant to Article 3 of the Reference Regulations, is valid for three years from the date of the order making it available.

Last update 17/06/2024