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Bottiglia di plastica in mare

UniGe is pleased to invite you to the SPlasH project exhibition ! - Stop H2O Plastics!, as part of the "INTERREG Italy-France Maritime 2014-2020" Programme, which will be held from 22 to 27 September 2020 in the courtyard of Palazzo Ducale.

Theobjective of the SPlasH! project, which involved the University of Genoa, the University of Toulon and the European Research Institute, was to carry out a first study on microplastics in port marine environments to determine whether ports were plastic receptors from the surrounding environment or a source of microplastics for the external marine environment.

Thefinal event, with free admission, is open to all and consists of an exhibition of photographic and explanatory panels showing the work of the Partners and the results of the Project.

To learn more about SPlasH!, visit the project website or Facebook page.