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What is AlmaLaurea

AlmaLaurea is a public inter-university consortium, of which UniGe is a member.
AlmaLaurea ( was set up in 1994 as a meeting point between young people, universities and companies, with two important objectives:
  • to collect, on behalf of the universities, information and assessments from graduates in order to find out about their university career and employment status. The resulting analyses and statistics are public and can guide young people in their choice of university and work and direct the governing bodies of the universities in the planning of training activities (;
  • make available online the curricula of recent graduates and graduates with many years of work experience to facilitate their entry or better placement in the world of work.  

The AlmaLaurea questionnaire

The universities that are members of AlmaLaurea ask their undergraduates, through a questionnaire that guarantees privacy, to express an evaluation of the university experience they are about to complete and to provide a series of personal curricular information. The data, aggregated and in anonymous form, are used by the Ministry for the evaluation of universities and by AlmaLaurea to carry out surveys on graduates.
The questionnaire must be compulsorily completed by all undergraduates (Resolution of the Academic Senate 20.09.2006).

The AlmaLaurea CV on the job and internship supply/demand matching platform

A part of the questionnaire goes to make up the CV of the individual student/graduate, which is only entered into the database with his/her consent.
UniGE makes the CVs entered into the AlmaLaurea database available free of charge to organisations and companies interested in contacting graduates, via the new online platform ( )
Companies can enterjob and internship offers. Students/graduates can view the offers and, if they have compiled their AlmaLaurea CV, can send it automatically torespond to the chosen offer.
How to indicate in your CV that you belong to protected categories (L.68/99)Letter of presentation of the Chancellor of the University of Genoa

Instructions for filling in

In order to fill in the questionnaire it is necessary to have AlmaLaurea access credentials.In case of problems with your UnigePass credentialsIn case of loss or malfunction of your UnigePass credentials, you can contact the toll-free number 800 55 18 55
(Mon - Merc - Thu - Fri 9.00 -12.00 - Tuesdays 9.00 - 11.00 and 14.30 - 16.00)

In case of problems with Almalaurea credentials

In case of loss or malfunction of your Almalaurea credentials you can contact the Almalaurea toll-free number 800720772


Job Guidance and Placement Department


Last update 03/07/2024