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What to do when hosting a student on a curricular placement

The agreement for the activation of curricular traineeships

The process of concluding the agreement is managed by the The University's Traineeships and Theses Platform. The User Manuals are available on the Home page of the Platform, which we invite you to consult in order to monitor the steps necessary for the stipulation of the agreement and the preparation of the training project.

The following are the steps to follow for the stipulation of the agreement:

  • Access the Internships and Theses Platform and register your personal data: you will be the contact person for your company (it will be possible to add further contact persons later)
  • Register your company data
  • Request the stipulation of the agreement

Warning: In order to accept students from the Disfor of Pedagogy and/or Psychology as curricular interns, the internship commission must first approve the host location. Follow the departmental instructions.


Internship host location

There are two texts of the agreement: one is valid for the activation of curricular internships with host location in the Lombardy region and one is valid for curricular internships in all other regions of Italy.

Stamp tax

The agreement is subject to stamp tax with the burden borne by the host party (art. 2, c.1 of Presidential Decree 642/72, to the extent provided for by the relevant Tariff Part I, art. 2, as annexed to Ministerial Decree 20.08.1992), except in cases of exemption pursuant to art. 27 bis, Tab. B of Presidential Decree 642/72. For the agreement for curricular traineeships the stamp duty required is 16 euro; 32 euro for the Lombardy Region agreement.

Type of signature

In the "Company Data" section of the Traineeships and Theses Platform, you will be asked whether your Organisation/Company has a digital signature. Depending on the type of signature you have chosen, you will be offered the correct agreement template.

Signing with digital signature (mandatory for Public Bodies): from the Platform you will be able to download the agreement, sign it with digital signature and upload it again. The document will then be sent to the Rector for signature and uploaded back to the Platform.

Subscription on paper model: from the Portal you can download the agreement, stamp and sign it, send it by post or deliver it by hand to the following address:
Al Magnifico RettoreUniversità di Genova
Via Balbi, 5
16126 Genovawriting on the envelope: Contiene convenzione per tirocini


The activation of the Internship Agreement, takes place, as a rule, within 10 working days from the moment of receipt of the correctly filled in, signed and in order with the payment of the stamp tax.

For clarifications write to 
For technical assistance in the use of the Platform write to 

The training project

Once the agreement has been signed, publish your proposal and identify the trainee through the Internships and Theses Platform.

The User Manuals are available on the Home page of the Platform, which we invite you to consult in order to monitor the steps needed to prepare your training project.

These are the steps to follow for preparing the training project:

  • Publish an internship proposal (the proposal must be approved by the Coordinator of the indicated Course(s)
  • View the applications via the Platform
  • Choose the candidate
  • Compile the training project

If you have already identified the intern, upload the proposal by entering the trainee's matriculation number in the "student" field and proceed directly with filling in the training project (the proposal will not be public).

For any clarifications please contact the reference for internships of the course in which the trainee is enrolled.
For technical assistance on the Platform write to: 

Attention:The Platform currently only handles training projects for students enrolled in degree courses. For those enrolled in masters, doctorates and specialisation schools, it is necessary to contact the referrals for traineeships.

Find your ideal candidate

Do you want to set up an extracurricular internship for one of our graduates? Please consult the activation procedure page.


Traineeships Department (Central Office)Referrals for traineeships


Last update 23/05/2024