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EU students

EU students come to Italy with their European Health Service card issued in their country of residence. If they need to undertake medical examinations, they can address any general practitioner free of charge (a list of general practitioners is available upon request at the Welcome Office). The General practitioner can prescribe medicines or specific examinations. Specific examinations must be booked through a phone call to CUP (Central reservations office) tel. 800098543 (only from house phones) or 0105383400 (also from mobile phones) from 8.00 a.m. to 06.00 p.m. con tel. 800098543 (free number from fixed-line and mobile) from 8.00 a.m. to 06.00 p.m. during weekdays, except Saturday - They do not need to apply to the National Health Service (SSN)

Extra EU students

Extra EU students must apply to the National Health Service (the nearest one is in via Assarotti 35). 
In order to submit their application, they must pay € 700,00 by F24 form adding the following codes where required in the form:

09 - codice Regione
8846 - codice tributo

We inform you that the payment is valid for 1 calendar year
This Insurance guarantees total cover and entitles you to choose your own general pratictioner

Alternatively, students can subscribe a private health insurance policy guaranteeing the same coverage of the public one
in case of Emergency you can contact the Emergency Rooms of San Martino and Galliera Hospitals or call the Emergency Number 112

Last update 09/05/2024