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Agreements and Conventions of General Interest of the University in force


Type Model of Partnership Agreement with External Entities and Subjects and its Annexes for Conducting Research Activities

On the following page  a table called Agreements I semester 2023 is published where the names of the contact persons for each agreement

 are also indicated with reference to that semester;

EntitiesNameSigning DateDurationABB S.p.A.Framework Convention between the University of Genoa and ABB S.p.A.09.04.201909.04.2019-08.04.2024Academia Properziana del SubasioFramework Convention between Università degli studi di Genova and Accademia Properziana del Subasio20.7.202120.07.2021-19.07.2027

Acciaierie d'Italia S.p.A.

(Convention under the responsibility of the Orientation, Mentoring and Career Service Area)

Protocollo d'Intesa tra Acciaierie d'Italia S.p.A. and University of Genoa03.12.202103.12.2021-02.12.2024AISFLAB Aps  now LAB4INT APSProtocol of Understanding between the University of Genoa and AISFLAB Aps    now     LAB4INT APS07.11.201707.11.2017-06.11.2022Agency for Employment, Training and Accreditation (ALFA) and the Office of the Councillor of Equality of the Liguria RegionFramework Convention - Gender Observatory23.05.202223.05.2022-22.05.2027Agency for Labor, Training and Accreditation (ALFA) 17.07.202317.07.2023 - 16.07.2028ALLEANZA COOPERATIVE ITALIANE LIGURIAProtocol of Understanding for the Implementation of Research, Teaching, Training and Guidance Activities25.02.202225.02.2022-24.02.2026AMT S.p.A.Convention between Azienda Mobilità e Trasporti S.p.A. and University of Genoa05.10.202105.10.2021-04.10.2024ANASTE LIGURIAFramework Convention between University of Genoa and ANASTE LIGURIA10.10.201910.10.2019-9.10.2022ANCI LiguriaFramework Convention between University of Genoa and ANCI Liguria07.12.202207.12.2022-06.12.2027Archdiocese of Genoa and International Society of Franciscan StudiesFramework Convention between University of Genoa Studies, Archdiocese of Genoa and International Society of Franciscan Studies06.07.202106.07.2021-05.07.2027Arma dei CarabinieriProtocollo d'Intesa tra l'Arma dei Carabinieri e l'Università degli Studi di Genova31.01.202231.01.2022-30.01.2025ARPALFramework Convention between the University of Genoa and the Regional Agency for the Protection of the Ligurian Environment06.05.202006.05.2020-5.5.2025Association Festival of ScienceConvention between University of Genoa and Science Festival Association05.10.202205.10.2022-04.10.2025ATENEIProtocol of understanding between Athenaeums for joining the cultural program "The Towns of Villard"17.12.202017.12.2020-16.12.2023ATENEI ItalianiAgreement of the Network of Universities for Sustainable Development09.07.202001.07.2020-30.06.2025Autostrade per l'Italia S.p.A.Convention between University of Genoa and Autostrade per l'Italia S.p.A.07.02.202207.02.2022-06.02.2027AVIS Regional LiguriaGeneral Protocollo d'Intesa tra l'Università degli Studi di Genova e l'AVIS Regionale Liguria07.06.202207.06.2022-06.06.2025Azienda Mobilità e Trasporti S.p.A.Framework agreement between the University of Genoa and the Azienda Mobilità e Trasporti S.p.A. 30.3.2021 30.3.2021-29.3.2026Camera di Commercio Industria Artigianato e Agricoltura di GenovaFramework Agreement between the University of Genoa and Genoa Chamber of Commerce Industry Handicraft and Agriculture05.03.201805.03.2018-04.03.2023Camera di Commercio Industria Artigianato e Agricoltura Riviere di Liguria - Imperia La Spezia SavonaFramework Agreement between Università degli studi and the Chamber of Commerce Industria Artigianato e Agricoltura Riviere di Liguria14.10.202214.10.2022-13.10.2027CAPITANERIA DI PORTO - DIREZIONE MARITTIMA DI GENOVAFramework Convention between University of Genoa and Port Authority - Genoa Maritime Directorate02.02.202302.02.2023-01.02.2026CASINO' DI SANREMO S.p.A.Framework agreement between the University of Genoa and the Company Casinò di Sanremo S.p.A.8.2.20198.2.2019-7.2.2022CELIVOFramework Agreement between the University of Genoa and Celivo - Volunteer Service Center (ODV)2.10.20202.10.2020-1.10.2025StART 4.0 Competence Center, IIT and Digital LiguriaProtocol of Understanding between the University of Genoa, the START 4.0 Competence Center, IIT and Digital Liguria20.3.202020.3.2020-19.3.2022Gandhi Center - Cultural Association for NonviolenceFramework Convention between the University of Genoa and Centro Gandhi - Cultural Association for Nonviolence09.05.202209.05.2022-08.05.2028Centro Studi AntonianiFramework Convention between University of Genoa and Centro Studi Antoniani10.01.202210.01.2022-09.01.2028CIMAFramework Agreement between the International Center in Environmental Monitoring Foundation and the University of Genoa18.02.2014


By exchange of notes the University and CIMA, respectively on 9.10.2020 and 13.1.2021, confirmed the conditions present in the Framework Agreement until the conclusion of the new Agreement


Collaboration Agreement for Italian Computing and Data Infrastructure (ICDI)








 Accession Form of the University of Genoa27.10.202227.10.2022-31.12.2024Metropolitan City of GenoaFramework Convention between the University of Genoa and the Metropolitan City of Genoa05.03.202105.03.2021-04.03.2026College of Emeritus ProfessorsConvention between the University of Genoa and the College of Emeritus Professors of the University of Genoa16.10.202016.10.2020-15.10.2025Interforce Summit Operations Command 15.5.202315.5.2023-14.5.2026Italian Electrotechnical CommitteeFramework Convention between the University of Genoa and the Italian Electrotechnical Committee4.5.20214.5.2021-3.5.2026Promoting Committee - Genoa Jeans ETSConvention between University of Genoa and the Promoter Committee - Genoa Jeans ETS09.02.202209.02.2022-08.02.2025National Interuniversity Consortium for Telecommunications (CNIT)Framework Convention between the University of Genoa and the National Interuniversity Consortium for Telecommunications29.03.202129.03.2021-28.03.2025CNRFramework Convention between the National Research Council and the University of Genoa20.6.201920.6.2019-19.6.2024Commune of Genoa 09.11.202309.11.2023-08.11.2028Commune of Genoa, Aces Europe Delegation ItalyProtocol of Understanding between Genoa City Council, Aces Europe Italy Delegation and University of Genoa19.10.202119.10.2021-18.10.2025Commune of Genoa, Palazzo Ducale Fondazione per la Cultura, Accademia Ligustica di Belle Arti di GenovaProtocol of cultural and artistic collaboration aimed at activities to enhance the Sala Dogana project29.07.202029.07.2020-28.07.2023Commune of Genoa and Diotima Society AssociationProtocol of Understanding between the University of Genoa, the City of Genoa and the Diotima Society Association23.6.2022 23.06.2022-22.06.2025Commune of Genoa, Genoa Smart City Association, Genoa Chamber of Commerce Industry Handicraft and Agriculture, and Association of Airline Agents Maritime Brokers AgentsProtocol of Understanding for Synergistic and Coordinated Development of Blue Economy Events and Addendum


 Commune of Genoa, CNR and Start 4.0 Competence CenterProtocollo d'intesa tra il Comune di Genova, Università degli studi di Genova, CNR e il Centro di compeenza Start of SanremoFramework Agreement between the University of Genoa and the Municipality of Sanremo30.11.201630.11.2016-29.11.2021Commune of SavonaFramework convention on renewable energy, energy efficiency, smart City, promotion and marketing of the territory02.08.202202.08.2022-01.08.2027Confedilizia di GenovaProtocol of Understanding between the University of Genoa and the Association of Building Ownership - Confedilizia of Genoa16.1.202016.1.2020-15.1.2023Confindustria GenovaFramework Convention between University of Genoa and Confindustria Genova18.01.202318.01.2023-17.01.2028Confindustria Imperia 04.08.202304.08.2023-03.08.2028Conservatorio "Niccolò Paganini" in GenoaFramework Convention between the University of Genoa and the "Niccolò Paganini" Conservatorio di Genova10.10.202210.10.2022-09.10.2027CONSOBFramework Convention between the University of Genoa and the National Commission for Companies and the Stock Exchange9.11.20209.11.2020-8.11.2023Villa Serra ConsortiumProtocol of Understanding between Villa Serra Consortium and University of Genoa25.03.201925.03.2019-24.03.2022Interuniversity Consortium for Materials Science and TechnologyFramework Convention between the Inter-University Consortium for Materials Science and Technology and the University of Genoa    8.2.2021   8.2.2021-7.2.2028SpeRA Consortium Solidarity, Projects and Resources for AfricaFramework Agreement between the University of Genoa and the SPeRA Consortium21.06.202221.06.2022-20.06.2025National Fire Brigade CorpsFramework Collaboration Agreement between University of Genoa and National Fire Department11.10.202211.10.2022-10.10.2027C.U.S.I.

Convention between the University of Genoa and the Italian University Sports Center for funds allocated by the MUR










Convention between the University of Genoa and the Italian University Sports Center








 Addendum31.3.202331.3.2023-27.6.2027Danieli Centro Combustion S.p.A.Framework Agreement between the University of Genoa and Danieli Centro Combustion S.p.A.28.10.202128.10.2021-27.10.2026Danieli Centro Combustion S.p.A.Implementation agreement between the University of Genoa and Danieli Centro Combustion S.p.A.28.10.202128.10.2021-27.10.2026  24.7.202324.7.2023-27.10.2026District 2032 of Rotary InternationalProtocol of Understanding between the University of Genoa and Rotary International District 203217.06.202117.06.2021-16.06.2026ECOSPRAY Technologies S.r.l.Framework Convention between the University of Genoa and Ecospray Technologies S.r.l.20.7.202020.7.2020-19.7.2023EIFEC 29.11.202329.11.2023-28.11.2028ELETTRA SINCROTRONE Trieste S.C.p.A.Framework Agreement between University of Genoa and Elettra Sicrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.12.5.202012.5.2020-11.5.2025HOSPITAL ENTITY "OSPEDALI GALLIERA"Framework Convention between the University of Genoa and the Hospital Body "Ospedali Galliera" of Genoa16.2.2022




ENTE PARCO ANTOLAConvention between the University of Genoa and the Antola Park Authority.08.03.201908.03.2019-07.03.2024EON REALITY ITALIA S.r.l.Framework agreement between the University of Genoa and EON Reality Italia S.r.l.18.6.202018.6.2020-17.6.2025ESAOTE S.p.A.Framework agreement between the University of Genoa and ESAOTE S.p.A.15.01.202115.01.2021-14.01.2026FINCANTIERI S.p.A.Framework agreement between the University of Genoa and Fincantieri S.p.A.27.11.201927.11.2019-26.11.2024Fondazione Auxilium, Il Melograno Cooperativa Sociale OnlusFramework Agreement between the University of Genoa, Auxilium Foundation and Il Melograno Cooperativa Sociale Onlus12.1.202312.1.2023-11.1.2028Fondazione Bruno KesslerFramework agreement between the University of Genoa and Fondazione Bruno Kessler16.01.201716.01.2017-15.01.2022Fondazione Civico Museo Biblioteca dell'Attore 27.7.202327.7.2023-31.12.2025Fondazione De Ferrari ONLUSFramework agreement between Università degli Studi di Genova and Fondazione De Ferrari Onlus09.06.202209.06.2022-08.06.2027Fondazione Istituto David Chiossone OnlusFramework Convention between the University of Genoa and the David Chiossone Onlus Foundation18.07.201918.7.2019-17.7.2024Fondazione Istituto Italiano di TecnologiaFramework agreement between the Italian Institute of Technology Foundation and the University of Genoa28.06.202228.06.2022-27.06.2027Foundation Italian Institute of TechnologyConvention between the Italian Institute of Technology Foundation and the University of Genoa for the promotion of the Joint Machine Learning and Intelligent System Initiative02.12.202002.12.2020-01.12.2025Fondazione Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Policlinico San Martino HospitalFramework agreement between the University of Genoa, the Fondazione Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia and the Policlinico San Martino Hospital in Genoa23.08.2018


Extended until 22.8.2024

Fondazione Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Policlinico San Martino Hospital

Operating agreement between the University of Genoa, the Fondazione Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia and the Policlinico San Martino Hospital of Genoa



Extended until 8.5.2024

Italian Multiple Sclerosis Foundation, IRCCS San Martino - ISTFramework agreement between the University of Genoa, the Italian Multiple Sclerosis Foundation and IRCCS San Martino for the establishment of the Magnetic Resonance Research Center on Multiple Sclerosis and Similar Pathologies19.04.201719.04.2017-18.4.2026Fondazione Luzzati - Teatro della Tosse OnlusFramework agreement between University of Genoa and Fondazione Luzzati - Teatro della Tosse Onlus7.2.20237.2.2023-6.2.2028Fondazione San Marcellino OnlusFramework Convention between the University of Genoa and the San Marcellino Onlus Foundation of Genoa27.10.10.202027.10.2020-26.10.2023Security and Freedom FoundationFramework agreement for academic/didactic-scientific cooperation between the University of Genoa and the Security Foundation20.01.202220.01.2022-19.01.2024Carlo Felice Theater FoundationConvention between the University of Genoa and the Carlo Felice Theater Foundation   3.3.20203.3.2020-20.6.2020Genova Car SharingConvention between Genova Car Sharing S.r.l. and Università degli Studi di Genova07.10.202201.11.2022-31.10.2024Giovine Orchestra Genovese OnlusFramework Convention between the University of Genoa and the Giovine Orchestra Genovese Onlus   29.3.202229.3.2022-28.3.2027Hitachi Rail STS S.p.A.Framework Agreement between the University of Genoa and Hitachi Rail STS S.p.A.   15.3.202215.3.2022-14.3.2027INAIL Regional Directorate LiguriaProtocol of Understanding between the University of Genoa and INAIL Direzione regionale Liguria   11.1.202111.1.2021-10.1.2024IREN S.p.A.Framework Convention between the University of Genoa and the IREN S.p.A8.6.20208.6.2020-7.6.2023Instituto Affari Internazionali di RomaFramework agreement between the Università degli studi di Genova and the Istituto Affari Internazionali di Roma7.01.20217.01.2021-06.01.2026Istituto Centrale del RestauroConvention between University of Genoa and Central Institute for Restoration30.08.202230.08.2022-29.08.2025Italian Institute for Experimental ArchaeologyFramework Convention between the University of Genoa and the Italian Institute for Experimental Archaeology9.10.20209.10.2020-8.10.2025National Institute of AstrophysicsConvention between the University of Genoa and the National Institute of Astrophysics31.8.202231.8.2022-30.8.2027National Institute of Nuclear PhysicsFramework Convention between the University of Genoa and the National Institute of Nuclear Physics







National Institute of Geophysics and VolcanologyConvention between the University of Genoa and the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology10.7.2019


in extension until the conclusion of the new agreement

National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics - OGSCollaboration Framework Agreement for Joint Research, Technology Development and Training Activities between Unige and OGS29.03.202229.03.2022-28.03.2025Experimental Zooprophylactic Institute of Piedmont, Liguria and Aosta ValleyFramework agreement of collaboration between University of Genoa and Experimental Zooprophylactic Institute of Piedmont, Ligur19.11.202019.11.2020-18.11.2025Istituto zooprofilattico sperimentale delle VenezieFramework agreement of collaboration between the University of Genoa and the Istituto zooprofilattico sperimentale delle Venezie02.04.202002.04.2020-01.04.2023Legambiente Liguria OnlusAgreement between University of Genoa Studies and Legambiente Liguria Onlus23.5.201923.5.2019-22.5.2022Leonardo S.p.A.Framework Agreement between the Univeristà degli studi di Genova and Leonardo S.p.A.12.07.202112.7.2021-11.7.2026LILTFramework Convention between the University of Genoa and the Italian League for the Fight Against Cancer21.10.202021.10.2020-20.10.2025Libera. Associations, Names and Numbers Against the MafiaProtocol of Understanding between University of Genoa and Libera. Associations, Names and Numbers against the Mafia19.2.202019.2.2020-18.2.2023Liguria Digitale spaFramework Convention between University of Genoa and Liguria Digitale spa25.03.201925.03.2019-24.03.2022MAECI - Service for Legal Affairs, Diplomatic Litigation and TreatiesFramework Convention for carrying out studies and researches of International Law between MAECI and Unige23.11.202223.11.2022-22.11.2025Marina Militare - Istituto IdrograficoCooperation Agreement between the Italian Navy and the University of Genoa25.1.202125.1.2021-24.1.2024Ministry of DefenseProtocol of Understanding between the University of Genoa and the Ministry of Defense27.9.202227.9.2022-26.9.2027Ministry  of Defense  - General SecretariatFramework Agreement of Collaboration between General Secretariat of Defense and University of Genoa3.08.20173.08.2017-2.08.2021Ministry of Infrastructure and TransportProtocol of Understanding between the University of Genoa and the Technical Mission Structure of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport31.5.201931.5.2019-30.5.2023Ministry of the Interior - Department of Public SecurityProtocollo d'Intesa tra Ministerodell'Interno-Dipartimento della Pubblica Sicurezza e Unige16.06.202016.06.2020-15.06.2023Ministry of Cultural Heritage and ActivitiesConvention between the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and the University of Genoa for the implementation of the National Library Service15.04.2009 

Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism - Regional Secretariat - Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape Superintendence for the Metropolitan City of Genoa and the Province of La Spezia,

Liguria Region, Genoa City Council, Genoa Metropolitan City, University of Genoa, Genoa Chamber of Commerce, Palazzo Ducale Foundation for Culture, Association of the Rolli of the Genoese Republic

Protocollo d'Intesa per Piano di Gestione del Sito UNESCO "Genova: le Strade Nuove e il sistema dei Palazzi dei Rolli"08.03.2021 Nomos EditionsFramework Convention between Unige and Nomos Edizioni07.12.202107.12.2021-06.12.2026Ordine degli Ingegneri della Provincia di Genova (OIGE)Protocollo d'Intesa per attività didattico-formative di aggiornamento e formazione professionale tra OIGE e UNIGE18.01.202318.01.2023-17.01.2026Palazzo Ducale Foundation for CultureFramework Agreement between the University of Genoa and Palazzo Ducale Foundation for Culture11.02.202011.02.2020-10.02.2023Policlinico San MartinoFramework agreement between the University of Genoa and Policlinico for the realization of a Computational Laboratory12.10.202012.10.2020-11.10.2026Policlinico San MartinoFramework Agreement for the Implementation of the "Life Science Technology Laboratory" - LisTechLab05.12.12.202205.12.2022-04.12.2026Liguria RegionProtocol of Understanding between the Region of Liguria and the University of Genoa to carry out interventions and actions aimed at supporting research and technology transfer activities19.09.2008 Regione LiguriaFramework Convention for Collaboration on Biodiversity and Sustainable Development in Parks and Natura 2000 Network09.02.202209.02.2022- 08.02.2027Regione LiguriaConvention for the implementation of the Institutional Project "Liguria in network"14.07.202214.07.2022-13.07.2027Regione Liguria, ANCI Liguria, Western Ligurian Sea Port System Authority, Eastern Ligurian Sea Port System Authority, Genoa Chamber of Commerce, Riviere di Liguria Chamber of Commerce - IMPERIA LA SPEZIA SAVONA, Rete Ferroviaria ItalianaProtocol for the dissemination and implementation in Liguria of hydrogen plants, transportation systems and energy production21.07.202221.07.2022-31.12.2025Liguria Region, Imperia Province, Imperia Municipality, ASL1, ARPAL Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale, Polo Universitario Imperiese-SPU, ALFAAgreements to meet space needs for institutional functions and concurrent adjustment of slopes21.09.202221.09.2022-20.09.2027Liguria Region, Genoa Municipality, Genoa Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Handicraft, AgricultureProtocol of Understanding for the Development of the Silver Economy District01.12.202101.12.12.2021-30.11.2026


(Convention under the responsibility of the Area of Internationalization, Research , Third Mission)

Framework Convention between Università degli Studi di Genova and RINA SpA23.08.202123.08.2021-22.08.2026RULEX Inc.Framework agreement between the Università degliStudi di Genova and RULEX Inc.30.03.202230.03.2022-29.03.2027Energy System Research Society - RSEFramework Agreement between the University of Genoa and the Energy System Research Company - RSE S.p.A.27.02.202027.02.2020-26.02.2023Anton Dohrn Zoological Station - National Institute of Marine Biology, Ecology and BiotechnologyFramework agreement between Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn - National Institute of Marine Biology, Ecology and Biotechnology and Unige29.07.202129.07.2021-28.07.2026Teatro dell'Opera GiocosaConvention between the University of Genoa and the Teatro dell'Opera Giocosa5.3.20205.3.2020-4.3.2023Tigullio Digital S.p.A.Framework agreement between the University of Genoa and Tigullio Digital S.r.l.26.2.202026.2.2020-25.2.2023Tirreno Power S.p.A.Framework agreement between Università degli Studi di Genova and Tirreno Power S.p.A.5.12.20225.12.2022 - 4.12.2027Tribunale di Genova, Genoa Bar Association, Associazione Italiana Mediatori Familiari, Associazione OhanaProtocollo d'intesa relativo al Punto Informativo sulla Mediazione Familiare22.06.202222.06.2022-21.06.2025UCINA Confindustria NauticaFramework Convention between the University of Genoa and UCINA Confindustria Nautica 20.09.201920.9.2019-19.9.2023Unione Industriali della Provincia di SavonaFramework Convention between University of Genoa and Industrial Union of Savona Province01.09.202201.09.2022-31.08.2025University, CNR, Po River District Basin Authority'Protocol of Understanding between University, CNR and Po River District Basin Authority'7.5.20207.5.2020-6.5.2025University of Milano-BicoccaFramework Agreement between the University of Genoa and the University of Milan-Bicocca15.2.201915.2.2019-14.2.2025University of Naples Federico IIFramework Agreement between University of Naples Federico II and University of Genoa13.12.202113.12.2021-12.12.2024University of PaviaAgreement between University of Genoa and University of Pavia for collaboration between library systems12.01.202211.01.2025WEBUILD S.p.A.Framework Convention between the University of Genoa Studies and Webuild S.p.A.18.6.202018.6.2020-17.6.2025

Last update 12/02/2025