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For the fourth year, UniGe invites talented researchers to apply for the MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship call for proposal 2023 and to choose UniGe as Host Institution.
MSCA PF provides researchers with a unique opportunity to work 2 or 3 years on a research project in a prestigious Host Institution abroad under the supervision of a high profile scientist.

MSCA Postdoctoral fellowship at a glance

The University of Genoa is a teaching and research institution with a strong experience in MSCA opportunities. UniGe is a generalist university, organized in 22 departments within 5 schools, 13 interuniversity research centres and 1 center of excellence, covering a wide range of disciplines.

UniGe Postdoctoral Fellowship Masterclass

Candidate researchers and their supervisors in UniGe, writing jointly proposals for the MSCA PF call, will have the opportunity to attend a 2-days online course on how to write a successful proposal. This masterclass is a pathway of support to candidates and their supervisors in preparing project proposal, including  prescreening activity of the draft proposals and the organisation of dedicated B2B meetings, by the European Research Office of UniGe, National Contact Point and external experts.

The masterclass will take place on May 29th and 30th, 2023.

Here you can find the 


Supervisors’ Expression of Interest

Candidate fellows looking for a supervisor in UniGe can send their candidature (CV + one page research topic proposal) to one of the supervisors who expressed their interest by 20th May 2023.

List of UniGe's supervisors looking for candidates divided for scientific disciplines:

UniGe results 2023

UniGe wins 3 postdoctoral fellowships, with a success rate of 27%.

Seal of Excellence @ UniGe initiative

UniGe aims to attract young talented researcher awarded the Seal of Excellence by the European Commission with the initative "Seal of Excellence - Attrazione di talenti @UniGe". The initiative is dedicated to outstanding researchers who had submitted a MSCA PF proposal indicating UniGe as Host Institution and results in the awarding of a postdoctoral fellowship (1 year) and of a contribution for research expenses for the implementation of activities in line with the original MSCA-PF project proposals. The initative aims also to encourage the resubmission of project proposals under new MSCA or ERC calls. For more info: Seal of Excellence - Attrazione di talenti @UniGe

European Research Office

Ultimo aggiornamento 19/03/2024